Estonian entrepreneurs expectations of IT university graduates

Robert Väljur
This Bachelor’s thesis presents an opinion of entrepreneurs on the current IT curriculum success in preparing students for work in the field of IT. For that purpose, seven interviews has been made with field experts from six companies to understand and determine entrepreneurs opinion on how successfully universities teach students in the field of IT. To determine entrepreneur’s point of view, on the skills required for students to work in IT, Q-methodology was used. After the description of ideal IT student’s skill set it was asked to compare the ideal student skill set against the skill set that students have based on current curriculum. Additionally interviewees were asked about the current situation in job market, student’s possibilities in it and for additional suggestions how to involve more companies to take part in universities mission to teach students.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Margus Niitsoo, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
Defence year