Mobile App for Estonian Literary Musuem’s Graffiti Database

Airis Kruus
During the course of this bachelor thesis, an Android application was created to add and view graffities from database. The application was made for the Estonian Literary Museum and it is based on the existing website. This app is suitable for both graffiti viewers and collectors. Those interested can view (existsing) graffities and collectors can post graffities at the graffiti location with the camera or at home choosing the pictures from gallery. During the thesis, precise usage stories were prepared in consultation with the client and by which the application was developed. Google and Facebook accounts are used to authenticate the app. In addition to the development, changes had to be made on the server side in order to integrate the application with the web page. In the final stages of development, the application was tested for usability with test users, who in the end were satisfied with the result and would be interested in using the application.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Jakob Mass, Siiri Pärkson
Defence year
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