Bug Bounty Programs and Ethical Hacking

Mark Robin Kalder
This paper introduces bug bounty programs, a more specific form of ethical hacking, where one can get rewarded with money by finding security vulnerabilities from IT systems. The goal of this paper is to introduce and explain the field and to answer the question: "How to start with bug bounty programs?" This material is meant for people who have little to no knowledge of the field. This paper uses materials found from the internet and interviews with experts for additional information. The interviewees have been anonymized and the received information has been analysed into a comprehensive text. The main result of this bachelor's thesis is the given document in Estonian language which compares and analyses bug bounty programs and shares the recommendations of specialists for getting started with the field. Bug bounty programs are not yet known to the general public and the people who are working in this field do not wish to comment on their actions nor share it with other people. Still there are a lot of young IT-specialists who are interested in topics related to ethical hacking and would like to engage in the field. This paper gives recommendations based on the interviews on how to start with ethical hacking and bug bounty programs.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Alo Peets, Margus Niitsoo
Defence year