Workflow for Transforming Health Records to OMOP Common Data Model

Harry-Anton Talvik
In recent years, there has been a growing need in health informatics to use operational health data for research. In Estonia, medical data generated as part of daily work in healthcare institutions are exchanged in HL7 CDA format. The challenge is correctly converting the data from its exchange format for analytical use; this is a very time- consuming process.
This work aims to describe the overall workflow for converting data to a common data model (OMOP CDM) for analytical purposes. As a practical solution, an improved capability for data exploration and initial information extraction from the CDA format has been created. Improved automation of the workflow environment enables rapid deployment of the solution. The resulting data in OMOP CDM is suitable for generating evidence that promotes better health decisions and better care.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Data Science
Sven Laur, Sulev Reisberg, Raivo Kolde
Defence year