Reconstruction of a Monolithic Application within Maksekeskus AS

Siim-Morten Ojasalu
Choosing the correct software architecture can increase the efficiency, performance, security, modifiability, and many more aspects of a system. It can also help save resources due to fast developments or easy deployments for example. Microservices and monolithic architecture are two very relevant and possible variants of software architecture. The goal of this thesis is to find out, which solution would be best suited for payment solutions provider AS Maksekeskus’ WooCommerce module. The compared candidate architectures are microservices, monolithic architecture, and a hybrid solution which is a combination of the first two.
For evaluating the architectures, this thesis uses the software architecture analysis method, in short SAAM. It is a scenario-based evaluation that has six analytical steps in order to evaluate and find the best architecture possible. As a result of this analysis, it is concluded that the hybrid architecture consisting of a few microservices and a monolithic part is the best solution for Maksekeskus’ WooCommerce module. Due to this evaluation, a tracking link service is also extracted from the original monolithic structure and set up as an independent microservice.
This thesis provides a good example of an architectural solution where both the microservices and a monolith are included. These findings help make the modules that Maksekeskus develops more resource efficient and provide a foundation for further analysis in the field of moving software from on-premise to cloud and conducting architectural analysis.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Dietmar Pfahl, Reelyka Läheb
Defence year