Data Acquisition and Preparation Toolbox for Cumulocity-based Solutions

Artem Grukhal
The development of city infrastructure is growing in both speed and quantity. The concept of making the city a “smart city” is needed, so that the infrastructure development can be efficiently adapted to the growing population, and further directions can be predicted better, with less redundant work from the city officials. However, there are numerous challenges that one has to overcome in order to apply a concept and make it work regardless of the size of the city, its population, or any other parameter. Moreover, to efficiently handle the data from such applications, there needs to be a system that will help data scientists to overview, analyze and operate with data produced by smart cities.
This thesis will try to propose a solution with features such a system should possess to maintain smart city applications and outline the most important requirements for a system to be functional. It will look into existing systems for large-scale data visualization and analytics platforms and try to evaluate the working models against a scenario of the Internet of Things system of Delta building in Tartu University, which is currently using Cumulocity Internet of Things platform for working with data. The advantages and disadvantages will be assessed against the above-mentioned scenario, an architecture for the solution to the scenario will be presented, and fruitful conclusions that can be made out of this research will be presented. Further, the solution will be introduced and described along with the reference to the previously made requirements, and finally, an evaluation of such a system against the requirements and for the scenario is to be performed.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Pelle Jakovits
Defence year