An Approach for Designing Microservice-Based Applications using a Domain-Driven Design Approach and Clean Architecture Principles

Daichi Ando
The current landscape of software services is marked by growing complexity, necessitating adaptive changes in software architecture to keep pace with rapid developments. As software architecture profoundly impacts code organization, the adoption of microservice architecture has gained popularity for breaking down systems into manageable services. However, the development and management of numerous small services present challenges. To address this issue, this master thesis introduces a novel approach that combines the principles of Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design to construct a microservice architecture. This methodology utilizes extensive business requirements as input and produces a code repository prototype as its output. The study provides an overview of this approach and presents a practical use case where it is implemented with actual code. Furthermore, the performance of this approach is analyzed through a comparison with the traditional software architecture paradigm, MVC (Model, View, Controller).
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Mohamad Gharib
Defence year
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