Proficiency and Usage of AI in an Introductory Object-Oriented Programming Course

Joosep Kaimre
In the year 2022, there was a breakthrough in the usage of AI chatbots thanks to the release of ChatGPT. One affected field is computer science and its teaching due to the possibility of generating code snippets with AI chatbots. Due to the newness of the topic, there is a lack of consensus on how students use these tools and how proficient AI chatbots are in solving different tasks. The aim of this master's thesis is to understand how proficient different AI-based chatbots are in solving tasks in the course “Object-Oriented Programming” and how students use these tools. To achieve this, ChatGPT and Copilot were used to solve tests and exams, and their results were compared to students’ results. Additionally, data regarding students’ usage of AI chatbots was gathered with a questionnaire focused on frequency of use, ways of use, and impact on learning. Currently, the free version of ChatGPT-3.5 performs worse than the average student, and Copilot is about on par with the average student. However, they are both still capable of passing the course. The students stated they used AI chatbots mainly for programming tasks, and students with lower grades use them more frequently.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Marina Lepp
Defence year