ESP32 Based Mesh Network Solution for Managing Practical Lessons

Marten Vainult
Basic and secondary education natural science lessons can be enhanced by conducting experiments or using an audience response system for polling. The issue with conducting practical experiments with electronic devices is the high cost and the lack of control for managing it all at once if provided to all the students. The polling sessions are usually done with the help of smartphones, but they’re proven to cause distractions. The aim of this thesis was to design and build a prototype system which allows to conduct experiments while having a connection to the teacher interface. The result was a monitoring interface with an ESP32 based mesh network solution. The mesh network was built on ESP-Mesh-Lite. The monitoring interface was developed in Vue.js and connected to the mesh network with a USB cable. The monitoring interface displayed the information of all devices on the mesh network and was able to broadcast messages to the network. The resulting prototype filled the requirements by being easy to use and having the ability to exchange data with all of the devices.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Kaido Reivelt
Defence year