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Märksõnad nt: #analüüs #nutitelefoni_rakendus
Ettevõte Teema Periood Kandideerimise email    
Magister, Bakalaureus (4)
Software Engineering Analytics Case Study in Software Testing or Software Analytics (with focus on software quality) 2024-2025 dietmar.pfahl@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics Automated repairing of software bugs with LLM-agent(s) 2024-2025 faiz.ali.shah@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics Cracking the Code: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Software Quality Attributes and Energy Efficiency 2024-2025 hina.anwar@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics A Replication Study of Regression Test Recommender Tool 2024-2025 faiz.ali.shah@ut.ee Detailid
Magister (7)
Software Engineering Analytics Solving the Test Oracle Problem: Automatically find Regular Expressions (RegEx) that define applicability constraints for Metamorphic Relations (MRs) 2024-2025 dietmar.pfahl@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics Leveraging LLMs for Mining User Rationale from User Feedback 2024-2025 faiz.ali.shah@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics Literature Survey on Testing Scientific Software 2024-2025 dietmar.pfahl@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytica Implementation of Test Scenarios for ADS in the Carla Simulator 2024-2025 dietmar.pfahl@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics Code Smarter, Not Harder: Uncovering the Energy Footprint of LLM-Generated Code 2024-2025 hina.anwar@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics The Hidden Cost of Software Updates: Measuring the Impact of Feature Changes on Software Energy Consumption 2024-2025 hina.anwar@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering Analytics Exploring LLMs for generating synthetic test data 2024-2025 faiz.ali.shah@ut.ee Detailid
Muu (1)
Eesti Keeleressursside Keskus Eestikeelne sisuotsing sisuhaldussüsteemidele 2019-2020 kadriv@ut.ee Detailid