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Märksõnad nt: #analüüs #nutitelefoni_rakendus
Ettevõte Teema Periood Kandideerimise email    
Magister, Bakalaureus (5)
Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group AI-powered Multi-device Systems and Applications 2019-2020 huber.flores@ut.ee Detailid
Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group Topics in pervasive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous computing 2021-2022 huber.flores@ut.ee Detailid
Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory CloudTraceBucket: Visualisation and Management Platform for Cloud traces 2022-2023 Chinmaya.Dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Mobile & Cloud Lab SecondMe: Your Digital Twin 2024-2025 dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering and Information Systems Generative AI in data quality management (multiple topics, see description) 2024-2025 anastasija.nikiforova@ut.ee Detailid
Magister (7)
Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory Monitoring and controlling smart home appliances using IoT devices 2020-2021 chinmaya.dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory AI-powered cloud usage controlling system in smart home environment 2020-2021 chinmaya.dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory AI-powered cloud usage controlling system in smart home environment 2022-2023 Chinmaya.Dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory Clustered Edge Intelligence 2022-2023 Chinmaya.Dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory #Blockchain@Edge: Blockchain in Edge computing 2022-2023 Chinmaya.Dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory Online location-based green energy availability prediction in smart buildings 2022-2023 Chinmaya.Dehury@ut.ee Detailid
Software Engineering and Information Systems Towards automating data quality specification by extracting data quality requirements from data features 2024-2025 anastasija.nikiforova@ut.ee Detailid