Aligning Categories from OGD Portals to a Comprehensive Set of Categories

Organisatsiooni nimi
Software Engineering and Information Systems
While many open government data (OGD) portals provide a large number of open datasets that are free to use and transform into value, not all of these data are actually used. In some cases, this is because these data are difficult to find due to the low level of detail presented in them, including, but not limited to the absence or inaccuracy of the category(-ies) and tags assigned to a particular dataset, which is a part of the data publisher task. In the case of some OGD portals, 1/3 of the datasets are not categorized, although the portal provides a rich list of data categories that are in line with best practices and allow to classify these datasets. This leads to cases where the dataset cannot be found if the user searches for data using catalog or tags (only using the search bar will return the dataset, if the search query matches the title or description of the provided dataset).
This thesis is intended to implement a mechanism for aligning categories from OGD portals to what is called "Comprehensive Set of Categories". This thesis supposes revisiting - replicating and reproducing an existing study (Pinto et al., 2022) (re-use of artifacts, including the code is possible), addressing and resolving limitation of that study, as well as making it country-agnostic. The list of limitations and suggestions on how to make it country-agnostic will be provided. In the case it will be needed, the supervisor can help in reaching out the authors (for clarification, additional code pieces etc.)
Testing of the output should be conducted with users, thereby evaluating the consistency of the result, preferably comparing the level of users’ satisfaction with the current one.
This would contribute to the FAIRness of the open data, although mainly referring to F – findability, but indirectly affecting other features that the OGD should meet in order to provide social, economic and technological benefits from individual users, SMEs and governments.

Pinto, H., Barcellos, R., Bernardini, F., & Viterbo, J. (2022). A Methodology for Aligning Categories from Open Government Data Portals to a Comprehensive Set of Categories. In International Conference on Electronic Government (pp. 258-273). Springer, Cham.
Lõputöö kaitsmise aasta
Anastasija Nikiforova
inglise keel
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Anastasija Nikiforova