Chatbot for open government data portals: towards making open data user-friendly to users regardless their level of (open) data literacy
Organisatsiooni nimi
Software Engineering and Information Systems
Open government data (OGD) are expected to be used by everyone, regardless of the domain to which they belong, education, specialism, gender, level of income, etc. However, current research suggests that the availability of these data on the respective portal is insufficient and many users find it difficult to use them, referring to both their findability, accessibility, understandability etc. This is also in line with recent reports of digital literacy level, which in many countries is very low. This requires providing additional support to users to improve their experience with OGD and OGD portals. Thus, the thesis would refer to the existing literature, examine the portal and, preferably, conduct an experiment aimed at identifying challenges associated with the use of OGD (portals). This would constitute the basis for the chatbot. Then, the respective chatbot is expected to be developed and tested with users. Considering the limited time to develop a chatbot and the significance of the underlying database, it is expected that it will be possible to report issues not covered / answered by the chatbot, thereby collecting an additional set of queries for further consideration.
Lõputöö kaitsmise aasta
Anastasija Nikiforova
inglise keel
Nõuded kandideerijale
Bakalaureus, Magister
Kandideerimise kontakt
Anastasija Nikiforova