Mindsensors computer controller for LEGO NXT
Tambet Artma
Subjects that focus on IT and physics are not very popular in schools, but there is constant need for specialists who are willing to work in information technology sector. That is why it is important to make these subjects more interesting to learn. For example using NXT robot kits in studies.
The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to study Mindsensors NXTHID computer controller and create educational material for the use of this controller in courses that base on LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot kits. All the material is in Estonian.
The material will be a part of „Koolirobot“ project that started in 2007. Thesis follows certain structure. The first chapter introduces human interface devices in general. The second chapter is about working principles of NXTHID controller and gives an overwies of its usage with NXT robot. The second chapter also explains how to program NXTHID using NXT-G programming software. The third chapter contains of three exercises with various difficulties from easy to advanced. Possible solutions are also ofered for these excercises. All the solution files are on the CD that is included with this bachelor thesis. The first and the second exercise have a hint for making the exercise more challenging.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Anne Villems, Taavi Duvin
Defence year