Web services in SQL Anywhere database
Sander Ott
The aim of this graduation work is to create learning material about making web services in database that allow accessing database by a web browser. The work is divided into four main chapters:
• summary of Sybase and SQL Anywhere,
• starting a http web server, creating web service and accessing them in web browser,
• making example exercises,
• student database evaluation.
In the first chapter I give a brief history of Sybase and SQL Anywhere and also show where they are positioned today. The aim of this chapter is to shows that Sybase is a big and trustworthy enterprise with long history on its field.
The second chapter explains how to start and stop the SQL Anywhere inbuilt http server. Gives and explains the syntax of web service and also gives some example web services. The chapter also shows how to access the web service via web browser.
In the third chapter I introduce database models that are used in database course. Then I show same database specific exercises like writing a web service that shows some of the tables when called in web browser or creating a web service for inserting new lines into database table.
In the final chapter a convenient way for evaluating student database is shown. For that a set of functions and web service that turn browser into interactive sql have to be inserted into database. Then lecturers can insert already existing control functions into student database with their own computer.
In conclusion I would say that making web applications only with sql is not the best options. But for learning purposes it is a easy way to make some kind of user interface to your database, which in my opinion is essential to rise students interest of databases.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Vambola Leping
Defence year