Developing database and user interface for the mathematical olympiads portal

Karl-Martin Ilves
The purpose of this paper is to build a modern mathematical olympiads portal, where portal administrators can easily insert, change or delete olympiads results. The current system was intended to be more easier to use and understand than it’s predecessor. That was successfully accomplished. A search engine for olympiads results was also made. It allows to search and sort olympiads results by competition, year, class and school. Although at first functionality regarding olympiads tasks was not intended to accomplish, it was requested to add to the portal, so that users can see, for what tasks points were given. That was also accomplished. The portal has some minor issues regarding the data transfer between client and server: it’s not very well optimized. Also the system need more testing to find more minor bugs, which should be fixed. Overall, a mathematical olympiads portal was developed, which fulfills the requirements made by administrators. The portal is also ready to be developed further. The system is made so, that all future developers can easily learn the current system. The basic olympiads system has been made, now it’s waiting to be developed further.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Härmel Nestra
Defence year