Review and Enhancement of PHP and Raintree Scripting language
Kalmer Kurg
The main goal of the thesis was to find a solution for enhancing one or another scripting language that is used by Raintree Systems, Inc. Language enhancement was elicited by the fact that the current languages are not used purposefully, although PHP was put to use be-cause of its object-oriented programming features in order to create easily extendable busi-ness application modules, but Raintree scripting language is used instead. The reason of this phenomenon was in the way how these two languages were implemented – compared to PHP, Raintree scripting language in its domain specificness is expressing more accu-rately the essence of Raintree application. Since the solution to the problem was incorpo-rating object-orientation and domain specificness, then the easiest way to achieve it would be extending the PHP with domain-specific commands. In that way we would acquire oth-er benefits that PHP has to offer like arrays and PHP-specific HTTP and SOAP extensions for implementing data interfaces between Raintree and other information systems.
For achieving this thesis’s objective, the domain-specific language essence and characteris-tics were described in the first chapter. In the second chapter the architecture of Raintree application and Raintree scripting language was observed, also the language elements and syntax. In the third chapter the focus was on describing the integration between Raintree application and PHP. Also the Raintree Core Library framework’s main classes and the benefits of using the framework were described. In the fourth chapter the Raintree script-ing language and PHP was compared in the aspect of syntax, domain specificness, exten-sibility and language elements. Fifth, the last chapter connected the previous chapters by describing the advantages and disadvantages, when comparing PHP and Raintree scripting language, then the usage of these languages in Raintree Systems, Inc. and came into con-clusion that the advantages of the both languages can be incorporated by extending the PHP in a way that it would be domain-specific as Raintree scripting language.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Madis Abel, Ain Isotamm, Vambola Leping
Defence year