Comparison of Native Web Services of the Most Common Relational Database Management Systems

Henri Trees
Web services are a set of XML based technologies, which provide communication, discovery and description of implemented services for distributed resources. As opposed to the traditional way of developing web services on an application server, this paper focuses on web services that can be created using a relational database management system. The paper gives a short introduction to web services and compares three management systems, which are Sybase SQL Anywhere 11, Oracle Database 11g and Microsoft SQL Server 2008. In addition to giving a brief overview of what functionality each compared system is providing in terms of web services deployment, the author evaluates each one according to the presented criteria. In order to support the evaluation and comparison, a test application which consists of the three different web services is implemented with each comparable system. The services are for sending ad hoc SQL statements, running a stored procedure and running a procedure with an argument. The results of the comparison suggest that the best tool for creating native database web services is Microsoft SQL Server, thanks to its helpful and well-written documentation, best functionality of the comparison and security measurements. Oracle Database and SQL Anywhere received the same amount of points, but as pointed out, Oracle is the easiest to work with, but does not have a detailed documentation. Also the web services created with Oracle Database cannot be configured in a desired way. The documentation for SQL Anywhere web services is meaningful, with well described examples, but service endpoints lack in security measurements and are in some ways more time-consuming to create. In conclusion database web services provide an easy way to deploy database functionality on the web, although the creators of such services must realise the security risks that may occur.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Vambola Leping
Defence year
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