Discovering Entities in Process Execution Logs
Tanel Teinemaa
The thesis is written in the field of process mining and in the frames of Artifact-Centric Service Interoperation (ACSI) project. The goal of the thesis was to create a method for discovering entities in process execution logs and to implement this method.
The method is implemented as plugin for ProM open source process mining framework and is written in Java. This implementation can be divided into the following steps:
1. Integration with ProM.
2. Extracting the event type tables from the raw log input.
3. Finding functional dependencies from relational representation of event logs. The
functional dependencies are found using an algorithm called TANE.
4. Finding the candidate keys from the functional dependencies. In case a relation has
multiple candidate keys, the user is prompted to select one as primary key.
5. Grouping together the event types that have the same primary keys and integrating
them into one entity.
6. The output is shown to the user or the entities are sent to another algorithm.
Two different event log files were used to test this method. Both of these logs are based on the example of online CD-shop. The method was working correclty for the both event logs.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Viara Popova, Meelis Kull
Defence year