Continuous Delivery Implementation Analysis in Webmedia Group Project EMPIS

Mirjam Rauba
This thesis is about investigating continuous delivery strategy and its implementation options in project EMPIS. General principles and practises of continuous delivery are introduced. The outcomes of investigation are compared to EMPIS development processes and some recommendations for implementing continuous delivery in EMPIS are laid out. The main goal of this thesis is to find a way to avoid software development iterations that take several months to finish, without any change in quality. Prerequisite for this is to avoid long regression testing phases. Continuous delivery gives a solution to the problem by wide use of automation. But it would be a time-consuming and expensive process to adapt all the practices of continuous delivery in project EMPIS. As the result of this thesis recommendations are made to adapt some of the practices of continuous delivery in project EMPIS to improve the development process. These results will be demonstrated to development team. In case of approval they might be implemented. As the topic is interesting, some further research will be made to learn more about continuous delivery while implementing it on EMPIS. The full implementation of continuous delivery principles in EMPIS is difficult as the project has been going on for more than three years and making changes in the system is complex. Therefore the introduction of continuous delivery should be made for projects that are starting development as they could contribute more from this strategy.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Helle Hein, Artur Assor
Defence year