An overview of international school robotics teaching material and possibilities for making it suitable for use in Estonian education.

Gajali Veeroja
During the research phase of LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT study materials, it turned out, that there was not as much material to go through as it had seemed at first. This was due to the fact, that the Robotics Projects Themes package was basically the same, as the easier version of Robotics Engineering Vol 2. The amount of the material was nevertheless remarkable. All of these materials can be successfully used in Estonian courses, but most of them would not be of any good, if nothing of them is translated or in some other way altered to fit better – at least if the users won’t know any English. An additional problem turned out to be finding the suitable material for the second level (secondary school) knowledge, since there were hardly any subjects that discussed something involving the NXT projects. Still, and thus even more, it would be good, if many more lesson plans were made to use all fitting material. Maybe in that process it would turn out, that there are after all some areas that can be addressed for example in mathematics. The emotion after this job remains positive, even though there were some problems regarding the .ISO files and some unpleasant surprises during the research of materials. In conclusion, the usability and pleasantness of the materials weights out bad experiences. I sincerely hope that people, who will be working with fitting the materials to Estonian needs, will have an interesting, useful and a pleasant experience also.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Anne Villems, Taavi Duvin
Defence year