Adaptive Vocal Random Challenge Support for Biometric Authentication

Uku Loskit
The aim of this thesis was to develop a speech recognition application which could be used for vocal random challenges. The goal of the application was to provide a solution to the central problem for voice-based biometric authentication – replay attacks. This piece of software is based on the PocketSphinx speech recognition toolkit and is written in the Python programming language. The resulting application is composed of two parts: a demonstration application with a GUI interface, and a command line utility. The GUI application is suitable for demonstrating the capabilities of the speech recognition toolkit, whereas the command line utility can be used to add speech recognition capabilities to virtually any application. The user can interact with the door of the GUI application by using his or her voice. The user must utter the correct word corresponding to the picture in English or say the sequence of digits in order to be authenticated. Both of the applications can be configured by generating language models, or by changing the length of the random challenges for the demonstration application.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Eero Vainikko, Jürmo Mehine
Defence year
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