Model-Based Clustering of Geographical Data

Roman Tekhov
This work was motivated by the Virtual Situation Room project. Its purpose is to predict the occurrence of some destructive events based on existing data. The goal of this thesis was to design and implement algorithms useful for analyzing geo-tagged events. We focus on two different kinds of data. The first type is data distributed normally around central point sources which is a very common model in literature and in practice. The second type and the main focus of this work is data distributed along line segment sources. For example traffic accidents in rural area are likely to be distributed along highways which can be modeled as sequences of segments. In each case the goal is to identify regions where the events of the same type are likely to occur in the future. We accomplish this by applying model-based clustering techniques to our existing data observations.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Sven Laur
Defence year