Constructing Loan Brokerage Information system on the Example of 1Credit Company

Roland Kriibi
The scene of Estonian loan brokerage has changed drastically, thanks to small loans. Companies that started to give out these small loans achieved success thanks to weak laws and the novelty of the product. After a while this all changed giving out loans was not so simple anymore. The laws became more strict. Also many alike companies had come out, making the market very competitive. The success of the companies now was determined by how many successful loans they were able to give out. Successful loan means a loan that has been paid back fully with interest. This means that all of the of customers financial background has to be analyzed thoroughly. Keeping all this in mind in 2008 company called 1Credit approached one of the leading software development companies in Estonia. They wanted to have an information system that reduces companies bureaucracy and makes it for clients to apply for loans. These two companies made the deal, but after three years the collaboration fell apart, because 1Credit was not happy with system besides that the time and the money spent seemed to much for them. As one of the leaders of 1Credit company knew that we have done similar projects, he approached us and asked if we could solve his problem. Having produced similar projects before we said yes to them. This thesis evolves around producing the information system for 1Credit. The author of this thesis is the project leader for the new 1Credit system and thus he describes his work. The purpose of this thesis was to describe his work and how he has solved problems. The thesis is divided into four parts. In the first chapter there will be prologue which is followed by the problem statement. After that there is analysis on the old system which tries to find out the main problems of the old system. In the final part of the chapter there is a description of the new systems architecture. The second chapter describes what are the system requirements and how were they written down. In the third part there is an description on how data model was constructed and small example of it. The last paragraph stops on the new user interface of 1Credit system. In the conclusion there is the conclusion of the work that has been done.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Vambola Leping Meelis Kull
Defence year