Gesture Based PC Interface with Kinect Sensor

Samet Erap
Present research targets development and implementation of the clickless interface on the basis of Kinect Sensor. The idea behind this work is to allow user to explore full functionality of Windows PC equipped with Kinect sensor, using just gestures and eliminating necessity to use any mechanical devices such as mouse or keyboard. Main result of the work are three standalone applications. First implements clickless interface to control Windows Desktop. Second application has purely scientific role and allows to acquire key coordinates of the human skeleton joints in real-time. Third application implements gesture based control of the Pioneer robot with robotic arm. Results of present research belong to the area of human-machine interaction and may found their applications in such areas where usage of mechanical interface elements may be impossible or complicated, for example surgical medicine, where surgeon gloves should be sterile.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master of Science in Engineering (4+2) Computer Science*
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