Continuous Integration & Feature Branches

Tõnis Pool
Continuous integration (CI) and feature branches are mutually exclusive approaches to software development. You can get the benefits of one but not the other. In my thesis I will research how to properly marry CI with feature branch development model. We will see what the standard Continuous Integration tools offer today and what they could offer tomorrow. The provided solution is as flexible as possible, being platform and programming language agnostic while still allowing for parallel execution of tests and supporting multiple code repositories with any number of overlapping feature branches. We will concentrate on the open source Jenkins Continuous Integration server but also look at the competition. Platform wise this paper is geared towards Java programming language and more specifically the Apache Maven build tool, but the proposed solutions are general and platform agnostic.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Toomas Römer, Rein Raudjärv ja Vambola Leping
Defence year