Inducing the grammar for simple Estonian languages using genetic algorithms
Uku Raudvere
This work concentrated on generating context-free grammars with genetic algo-
rithms. Its main purpose was to generate a grammar for simple Estonian sentences.
We gave an overview of some previous works in the field. These works discussed
ways to represent grammars for genetic algorithms and potential problems, like
staying in a local maximum or generating too liberal grammars.
We also gave a brief overview of genetic algorithms and of context-free gram-
We evaluated our version of genetic algorithms by inducing a known grammar of
three-variable algebraic expressions. We concluded that our approach is promising,
but the implementation is problematic.
Our experiment of inducing a grammar from a morphologically tagged corpus
was not successful. We concluded that the results might be improved by using a
more detailed evaluation function.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Mare Koit
Defence year