Texture Synthesis for the Raster Graphics Editor GIMP

Ville Sokk
The goal of this thesis was to implement a texture synthesis algorithm for the raster graphics editor GIMP. In 3D graphics, textures are patterns that are mapped onto surfaces of objects to add detail. Creating textures requires skill and time. Texture synthesis algorithms can generate textures of arbitrary size from user supplied exemplars. Texture synthesis can be used outside of 3D graphics for many tasks like moving objects in images or covering unwanted objects. GIMP is a raster graphics editor that's used for photo manipulation, digital painting, designing graphical elements for user interfaces and more. The thesis starts with an overview of texture synthesis research. After that the algorithms used in the implementation are described. The main algoritm used is texture optimization which starts with an initial estimation of the texture and then iteratively updates it to make it similar to the user supplied input. Because it is very slow multiple other algorithms were used to improve performance. A description of the implementation and comparison to existing GIMP texture synthesis plug-ins follows. The quality of the the generated textures is good but it's a lot slower than existing plug-ins. Unlike existing plug-ins it will work with future versions of GIMP, it can be used in other programs and it uses a high bit-depth colour space which doesn't create defects when processing images. In the end of the thesis, ways to improve quality and performance are suggested.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Sven Laur
Defence year