A Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocol Suite Inspired by Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme

Tiina Turban
The world today is full of secrets. Sometimes, we would like to know something about them without revealing the secrets themselves. For example, whether I have more money than my friend or whether two satellites would collide without publishing their moving trajectories. Secure multi-party computation allows us to jointly compute some functions while keeping the privacy of our inputs. Sharemind is a practical framework for performing secure multi-party computations. In this work, we added a protocol suite to Sharemind. This protocol suite was inspired by Shamir's secret sharing scheme, which describes a way to divide a secret into pieces. We describe algorithms for addition, multiplication, equality-testing and less-than comparison. We also give correctness and security proofs for the protocols. The resulting implementations were compared to an existing protocol suite inspired by additive secret sharing. The initial complexities and benchmarking results are promising, but there is room for improvement.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Dan Bogdanov, Sven Laur, Stig Frede Mjølsnes
Defence year