Discovering Declarative Process Models from Event Logs through Temporal Logic Query Checking

Margus Räim
This thesis will focus on the discovery of temporal logic constraints from an event log. The constraints are the description of the behavior of a business process. We will use Temporal Logic Query Checking for this purpose. A temporal logic query is a type of modal logic expression containing one or more placeholders that are checked against a transition system. The transition system is built from an event log. The result lists all possible activities that can replace the placeholders to satisfy the constraints described by the query in the log. This approach does not require (as many other approaches in the literature) negative examples as (additional) input and it provides the possibility of discovering a wider range of constraints to describe the process with respect to the existing approaches.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Fabrizio M. Maggi
Defence year