An Akka-based middleware for Laboratory Information Systems

Lembit Gerz
Data exchange with medical analyzers is an important requirement of any laboratory information system. Analyzers and the information system exchange data such as analysis results, orders and patient information. In high-throughput laboratories, clinical tests are performed around the clock, therefore manual data entry can become a bottleneck in their usual workflow. In order to increase the effectiveness of the lab staff and reduce the chance of human error, the data exchange has to be automated. Due to technical restrictions and the large number of communication protocols used by different analyzers, middleware software is often used to mediate communication between the information system and analyzers. An interruption in the data exchange can cause financial damage or even risk to life. Therefore, certain requirements should be considered during the implementation of such software to make it reliable and maintainable. This thesis gives an insight into the laboratory middleware field and builds a middleware prototype using the Akka toolkit. As a part of the prototype, an interface between a hypothetical analyzer and a laboratory information system is also implemented. The implemented prototype is used as a reference to analyze up to which extent Akka is suitable for implementing middleware software that satisfies requirements such as fault-tolerance, concurrency and code reusability. As a result, the prototype can be used as a minimal framework to connect additional analyzers with laboratory information systems.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Naved Ahmed
Defence year
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