Demonstrating Android P2P capabilities through a prototype application

Hannes Metssalu
Nowadays more and more people are communicating using electronic devices. This means that all kinds of data are transferred between devices. These are often private data but sent in a very public manner. When using traditional client-server approach, data may be seen or even altered by the server which means that the authenticity and privacy of data is always under question when using untrusted servers. Furthermore many people prefer to use mobile devices (tablet or mobile phone) instead of a PC for communicating and changing data yet there still does not exist a simple way to do it with certain privacy. This thesis analyzes different methods for sending and receiving data between clients in a P2P (peer-to-peer) way instead of using traditional client-server model. Also a proof-of-concept application is written for Android which demonstrates how to easily enable P2P communication between multiple devices. Application will support sending messages between peers and also includes an example Hangman game for demonstrating game programming with P2P communication.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Artjom Lind
Defence year