Teaching Advanced Bash Scripting Using Semi-automated Assessment Environment

Viktoria Plemakova
Bash is a Unix command-line interpreter as well as a scripting language. This thesis focuses on implementing exercise sets and a testing mechanism for teaching progressive Bash scripting. Right now there is a lack of such material in several university courses that use Linux environment in teaching. The approach attempts to make learning scripting more effective and make it different from the approaches used in several programming courses. The main part of this thesis concentrates on the structure of the exercise sets, implementation of three sets (for and while loop, conditionals) and the validation script. In the end, the presented system lacks real life testing but shows great promise as an automated learning system for teaching university students Bash scripting. In the future, the existing work could be improved by generating more exercises and modifying the tester. To get an idea of students' weaknesses concerning Bash, an intensive testing should be carried out.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Artjom Lind
Defence year