Building and Configuring a Custom Private Cloud Using Consumer Hardware

Andre Tättar
Moving into the cloud is a common trend for organizations to use existing hardware in an efficient way. organizations specifically use private or hybrid clouds. Existing unused hardware was the main problem in this thesis. Contribution of this thesis was a description of how to build and configure OpenStack using consumer grade hardware. Using low end hardware to build a working private cloud does have some disadvantages, but in our case, it was not that critical. In the end, there were more advantages than disadvantages. The end result is a working implementation of OpenStack, which is easy to use, accessible from anywhere in the world and flexible enough to fill the needs of Distributed Systems in University of Tartu platforms. This thesis and configurations in appendix provide a scalable solution - additional compute nodes can be setup with less than 30 minutes. Creation of virtual machines takes less than a minute by using a web interface, which is very easy to understand and use.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Artjom Lind
Defence year