Urban Mobility Sensing Using CDRs

Anna Bilmaijer
The aim of this thesis is to show that CDR (Call Detail Record) data holds potential in analysing human mobility in urban areas. CDR data is continuously gathered by mobile service providers, and it can be used as relatively low-cost and endless source of human displacement. This work tries to find meaningful places like people's work and home locations based on their cellular activity. Finding clear patterns proved difficult because CDR data tends to be imprecise due to large coverage areas and handovers between cellular towers. Some common paths between people were recognised; however, finding clearer urban and suburban communities would need applying more methods. Analysing human mobility patterns gives an overview on how to better plan urban areas. It can benefit in transportation, improving cellular networks, and also give input for targeted advertisement.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Amnir Hadachi
Defence year