Applying Supernode Architecture for Scalable Multiplayer Computer Game

Sergii Shepelenko
Scalability, fast response time and low cost are of utmost importance in designing a successful massively multiplayer online game. The underlying architecture plays an important role in meeting these conditions. Peer-to-peer architectures, have low infrastructure costs and can achieve high scalability, due to their distributed and collaborative nature. They can also achieve fast response times by creating direct connections between players. However, these architectures face many challenges.
Therefore, the paper investigates existing peer to peer architecture solutions for a massively multiplayer online games. The study examines two hybrid architectures. In the first one, a supernode approach is used with a central server. In the contrast in the second one, there is no central server and pure peer to peer architecture is deployed. Moreover, the thesis proposes a solution based on multicast peer discovery and supernodes for a massively multiplayer online game. Also, all system is covered with simulation, that provides results for future analysing.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Artjom Lind
Defence year