Introductory Game Development and Programming Course Materials

Jaan Janno
The course “Teeme ise arvutimänge” (translated “Let’s Make Computer Games”), is an online course conducted in the University of Tartu. The course has two main aims. One is to teach programming and game development skills to secondary school pupils. The other goal is engaging pupils, who might be interested in continuing to learn in programming related vocational or university study programs. The course is foremost meant to suit pupils in secondary school age, but it is also suitable for older and more advanced younger pupils.
The thesis provides a thorough analysis of the course materials as they were before the work of this thesis. Problems are identified regarding the course. Then the thesis describes the solutions to the found problems and general additions to the course. A large part of the work is new video materials, which are described in detail. Several new complex tasks and textual materials were introduced to the course with the intent of introducing graphics early. The goal of introducing graphics early is to engage pupils, who came mainly for the game development part of the course, sooner and to make the first part of the course more exciting in general. During the work of the thesis, the additions and revisions were implemented in the course and tested on new pupils. Finally, the quality of the revised course is discussed.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel, Ljubov Jaanuska
Defence year
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