Multipurpose Android Application for Reminders and Expenses Management

Kristjan Puusepp
The aim of the present Bachelor's Thesis is to create an open source Android application which serves multiple purposes. Without registering an account in the application, the user can write up reminders and order them by title, creation date or end date. Additionally, the user can write up their expenses and have an overview of them in form of a pie chart. Registering an account allows users to sync their data with multiple devices, the main uniqueness of the application is the functionality to create groups and group reminders.
Furthermore, the thesis also includes comparison between other similar applications. As it is, other similar applications do not offer such functionality as to create groups and group reminders, those which do are usually very specific (meant for certain type, e.g. school groups).
Additionally, the thesis includes the tools used to create the application, the languages used and why such application is necessary.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Satish Narayana Srirama
Defence year