Optimizing JVM profiling performance for Honest Profiler

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Honest Profiler is a profiling tool which extracts performance information from applications running on the Java Virtual Machine. This information helps to locate the performance bottlenecks in the application observed. This thesis aims to provide solutions to increase the amount of useful information extracted by Honest Profiler. Achieving this would increase the accuracy of the performance information collected by Honest Profiler. Thesis will cover the basics of sampling profiling, the architecture of Honest Profiler and measures the performance of Honest Profiler’s data collection logic. As the main result of this thesis, three different solutions for increasing the profiler information output are presented. Their performance and the extracted information amount is evaluated by a benchmark test.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Vootele Rõtov, Vesal Vojdani
Defence year