Comparing Specialist Care Morbidity Statistics of Two Datasets: National Institute for Health Development and Estonian Health Insurance Fund
Hedi Liivlaid
National Institute for Health Development is responsible for publishing state level morbidity statistics in Estonia and it is based on the morbidity information collected individually from healthcare providers. This master thesis is investigating whether it is possible to create national level morbidity statistics based on healthcare service bills data that healthcare providers report anyways.
In the thesis, the statistics of specialist care bills in the Health Insurance Fund’s database and statistics of the specialist care cases reported to National Institute for Health Development are compared. Since the Health Insurance Fund's database does not contain data about cases, the corresponding cases were compiled on the basis of medical bills.
The analysis revealed that the numbers of cases in both datasets are close, but some unexplained differences within diagnosis groups and health care providers exist. Therefore, additional measures need to be taken before the Health Insurance Fund’s database can be used for national morbidity statistics.
In the thesis, the statistics of specialist care bills in the Health Insurance Fund’s database and statistics of the specialist care cases reported to National Institute for Health Development are compared. Since the Health Insurance Fund's database does not contain data about cases, the corresponding cases were compiled on the basis of medical bills.
The analysis revealed that the numbers of cases in both datasets are close, but some unexplained differences within diagnosis groups and health care providers exist. Therefore, additional measures need to be taken before the Health Insurance Fund’s database can be used for national morbidity statistics.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Sulev Reisberg, Natalja Eigo
Defence year