Large Scale Feature Extraction from Linked Web Data

Madis-Karli Koppel
Data available on the web is evolving, and the way it is represented is changing as well.
Linked data has made information on the web understandable to machines. In this thesis we develop a proof of concept pipeline that extracts linked data from web crawling and performs feature extraction on it. The end goal of this pipeline is to provide input to machine learning models that are used for credit scoring. The use case focuses on extracting product linked data and connecting it with the company that offers it.
Built solution attempts to detect if two products from different web sites are the same in order to use one representation for both. Information about companies and products is represented as a graph on which network metrics are calculated. Network metrics from multiple different web crawls are stored in time series that shows changes in graph over time. We then calculate derivatives on the values in time series.
The developed pipeline is designed to handle data in terabytes and built with scalability in mind. We use Apache Spark to process huge amounts of data and to be ready if input data increases 100 times.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Pelle Jakovits, Peep Küngas
Defence year