Benchmarking BigSQL Systems
Victor Olugbenga Aluko
We live in the era of BigData. We now have BigData systems which are able to manage data in volumes of hundreds of terabytes and petabytes. These BigData systems handle data sizes which are too large for traditional database systems to handle. Some of these BigData systems now provide SQL syntax for interacting with their store. These BigData systems, referred to as BigSQL systems, possess certain features which make them unique in how they manage the stored. A study into the performances and characteristics of these BigSQL systems is necessary in order to better understand these systems. This thesis provides that study into the performance of these BigSQL systems. In this thesis, we perform standardized benchmark experiments against some selected BigSQL systems and then analyze the performances of these systems based on the results of the experiments. The output of this thesis study will provide an understanding of the features and behaviors of the BigSQL systems.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Sherif Sakr
Defence year