Requirements Management in Off-The-Shelf Software Implementation Projects: A Case Study in Playtech

Mari Vaiksaar
Requirements management is considered a core competency for delivering quality software solutions. It is also counted among the main causes for project failure. This is true in the context of greenfield development as well as off-the-shelf (OTS) based software solutions. The challenge in OTS software implementation projects today from the software provider’s perspective is ensuring successful completion of the solution setup that meets customer needs and satisfies requirements without compromising on delivery time and cost. Today, there is no requirements management approach that would consider the specifics of OTS based software implementation projects from the supplier’s perspective and the particularities of the online gambling industry. This thesis addresses the lack of systematic approach to requirements management in OTS based online gambling software context in case company Playtech and attempts to answer the research question of how requirements can be managed when implementing OTS based online gambling solutions. Based on analysis and best practices from background research, a process is suggested for efficient requirements management in OTS gambling software implementation projects. The proposed process incorporates activities that are not present or are present only partially in the current practices, such as needs assessment, requirements management planning, requirements monitoring and controlling, reporting lessons learned and support transition. Alignment between all stakeholders as well as management is required to enable successful establishment of the requirements management process.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Fredrik Payman Milani
Defence year