Analysis and Re-design of RTIP Vacation Scheduling Tool

Anu Ülejõe
The aim of the thesis is to study how well the business process of preparing a vacation schedule for the Employee Self Service Portal (RTIP) meets the legal requirements and the needs arising from the work specifics of different settlements. The thesis provides an overview of the establishment of the State Shared Service Centre and the services offered nowadays, also introduces the working principles of the Self-Service Portal of the State Employee. It is analysed how the automatic checking system can be used to prepare a vacation schedule and how it would be possible to take into account the employee's wish to leave and to make it possible for the employer to change the periods of leave. The goal is to make the new business process fit with the old one and make the most of the already existing functionality. As a result of the analysis, the new suggested business process is described. Additionally, system requirements, which would allow to realize new business process, are defined. A risk analysis of the proposed new functionality is carried out and recommendations how thesis results could be put into practice, are made.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Vambola Leping
Defence year