A Comparison of Security Risk Analysis in the In-house IT Infrastructure and Cloud Infrastructure for the Payment Gateway System

Pubudini Gayanjalie Dissanayake
In-house infrastructures are migrated to the cloud owing to the enhanced technical management capabilities, technical advancement as well as the flexibility and cost-effective options offered by the cloud. Moreover, an enterprise architecture changes when the sys-tems are moved into a different infrastructure. Due to such infrastructural changes, secu-rity risks can increase or decrease, while new risks can be introduced and some risks can be eliminated. Asset identification for risk analysis based only on business process mod-elling lacks the integration and representation of the interrelationship between IT infra-structure and business processes. Hence, certain information system (IS) assets can be neglected in the risk analysis. When analysing the security risk of two infrastructures, enterprise architectural differences need to be captured, since unidentified IS assets could be vulnerable and pose a security risk to the concerned organisation.
In this thesis, assets are identified via architectural modelling to perform risk analysis. Furthermore, models present the differences pertaining to IS assets within in-house infra-structure and cloud infrastructure, in addition to the mapping to corresponding business processes. The STRIDE-based threat modelling is employed to determine the security risks concerning IS assets derived from enterprise architecture.
To elaborate, this study will introduce a procedure that will help organisations identify IS asset changes of two different infrastructures and capture security risk changes. Moreover, architectural modelling applied in this research will illustrate the differences regard-ing IS assets and present the way in which business processes are mapped to technology components. Subsequently, a threat modelling method employed will provide a structural way to identify threats to the systems. The changes incorporated concerning the security risks will further present the security risk gap regarding in-house infrastructure and cloud infrastructure. Additionally, the validation of this approach is performed by domain experts. The enterprise architecture modelled in this thesis is based on a case study dealing with a payment gateway system used in North Europe.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Cyber Security
Hayretdin Bahsi PhD and Raimundas Matulevičius PhD
Defence year