Multimodal Route Planning Algorithm for Encouraging the Usage of Different Means of Public Transportation

Careelika Liisi Kuik
The ongoing urbanization and the growth of the cities is leading to the increase of complexity of the route planning in urban areas. Often it is not possible or feasible to travel from one location to another using only one mode of transportation. Moreover, in case of specific preferences like taking a wheelchair, baby carriage or a bicycle in the mean of public transport, a specific type of mean of transport (e.g. wheelchair-accessible bus) is needed. However, the existing routing engines tend to heavily prefer the first public transport trip of any mean of public transport that meets the spatiotemporal conditions instead of sticking to user’s selected modes.
The aim of this thesis is to propose an alternative method for multimodal route planning, using only the modes and means of public transport that are allowed by the user. In this thesis work an alternative method for multimodal fastest pathfinding with use of public transportation is developed. It is able to propose competitive alternatives to the results of the existing routing engines at the same time using only the modes and means of public transport that are allowed by the user.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Amnir Hadachi
Defence year