Software Tool for Validation of Chromatographic Analytical Method

Kodjovi Hippolyte-Fayol Toulassi
Many industries rely on analytical procedures to analyze various substances. In the medical field they are used to perform laboratory analyzes. In the pharmaceutical industry they are used to determine and quantify the active component of a drug product as well as impurities. In the food industry they are used to identify the properties of foods and their ingredients. An analytical procedure can be assimilable to the algorithm of a chemical analysis. Due to their widespread use, analytical procedures must be validated. The validation process will prove that the chemical analysis described by the analytical procedure is judicious and fit for its intended use case. That is, the chemical analysis can accurately measure the compound it is supposed to measure. Sadly, that validation process, currently, is performed manually by analytical chemists. The completion of analytical procedure validation manually is tedious and potentially error-prone. Therefore, accessible systems that can assist analytical chemists during analytical procedure validation should be made available to them. These systems will not only ensure the consistency of the result but also alleviate the workload of analytical chemists. The Department of Chemistry of the University of Tartu has acknowledged the need of such systems and launched the implementation of one named ValChrom. This thesis highlights the implementation details of ValChrom – a web-based application for analytical procedure validation, after evaluating the strengths and shortcomings of existing similar software solutions.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Marlon Dumas, Koit Herodes, Asko Laaniste
Defence year