Chatbot as a Lunch Offers Suggestion System
Verner Läll
Many web pages help people to find hundreds of lunch offers every day. To filter and compare them to find one suitable is time consuming and frustrating. In this thesis a chatbot was developed that sends lunch offers to users and lets them choose from the suggestions. A recommendation system was also developed for that chatbot that adapts its recommendations according to the users’ past choices. Since the author’s workplace uses Slack as their primary communication software, the chatbot was integrated with Slack. Lunch offers data is fetched from the pä private API, which they made available for this thesis’ purposes.
Keywords: Slack, chatbot, recommendation system, automation
CERCS: P176 - Artificial intelligence
Keywords: Slack, chatbot, recommendation system, automation
CERCS: P176 - Artificial intelligence
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Laura Ruusmann, Mark Fišel
Defence year