Instrument Monitoring System for the Tartu Observatory Atmospheric Monitoring Working Group
Margit Aun
A monitoring system for instruments used by the group working on remote sensing of atmosphere in University of Tartu Tartu Observatory was created. The main aim of the system is to monitor ongoing measurements and send a notification by e-mail in the case of instrument misbehavior. As a result, the information about malfunction will reach to the operator faster and therefore the caps in measured timeseries will shorten. The system has been built by using the Node.js implementation of JavaScript and is currently monitoring two instruments. The first instrument is Bentham DMc150F-U spectroradiometric system, a double monochromator used for spectral measurements of ultraviolet radiation. There is also a dashboard set up for Bentham using freely available Grafana software. The instrument is being checked directly from MySQL database from sunrise to sunset every 15 min. Grafana enables to check the measurements results and alerting has been set for the temperature of the instrument. The second instrument is CIMEL CE318 Sun photometer belonging to NASA AERONET that measures aerosols in atmosphere. This instrument is being checked once a day, at 08:00 UTC. Presence of the measurement file is checked in the controlling computer while the data delivery and error messages are extracted from the AERONET webpage. The architecture of the system enables to add more instruments in the future.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Ilmar Ansko, Tõnis Eenmäe
Defence year