Quantum Circuit Fusion in the Presence of Quantum Noise on NISQ Devices

Mykhailo Nitsenko
Quantum computing is a rapidly developing field. Nevertheless, devices that are currently available and, most likely, will be available in the near future are noisy. This noise is the main barrier that does not allow humanity to efficiently perform quantum computations and achieve a stable general purpose quantum supremacy. This thesis project investigates a quantum fusion technique that can, potentially, sufficiently reduce statistical noise to reach the Heisenberg limit of quantum metrology. The proposal was implemented and experiments were performed using publicly available quantum computers of IBM Q. The experiments were conducted using variational quantum circuits in systems from 2 to 5 qubits and the exact copies of the experiments were performed on a simulator. Results were compared and studied using Fourier analysis.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Dirk Oliver Theis, Dominique Unruh
Defence year